A family story...

The origin of the brand name comes from Olivier: a word , an idea , an ambition and above all a mad desire to create a community of people around a state of mind, a way of life: respecting each other each other, respect nature and animals, everything that surrounds us. But above all, enjoy every moment of our life , the sensations that we can feel and make our emotions vibrate by sharing them.

Promote these values ​​of belonging to a culture, respect for nature; between ocean and mountain, to the historical heritage of the region, without judgement , without discrimination and with respect: to create a community that resembles it.

“You don't have to be born in the region to be Basque. My father is Basque, my grandfather is Basque: I was born in Marseille and my mother is Malagasy, yet I feel more Basque than anyone!"

To date

A meeting and this ambition is born.

Olivier & Bérangère , lovers of the Basque Country & lovers in everyday life, have together imagined different limited capsules of quality, eco-responsible clothing, between streetwear & lifestyle, which will highlight the way of life of our so beautiful region: “ We have chosen to create quality clothing, in limited quantities, which corresponds to this sporty and talented identity of the region and which will correspond to all generations.”

The idea is to go further and see bigger afterwards, by creating limited edition capsules in collaboration with artists , to highlight subjects that are close to our hearts and above all to develop a range for the woman and maybe even for the kids , who knows?